

I shall fix the walk soon, maybe after I try and get 50% of this all done. T_T
This is basically the first 3 scenes together. Lulu carves his amazingly adorable impression within our hearts, bwuahhahah.

Here's an amazingly cute thing I found on YouTube:
It was done by this guy named Mike Inel and it took him 6 months to finish the animation.
It's about a girl and a boy separated by an unbreakable glass.
FYI: the girl is right handed and the guy is left handed.
Otsuka Ai can always make such awesome magical sounding songs, like Daisuki Da yo, Planetarium, Cherish, etc.

If you're like wat? at the end, highlight the space below:
Yes, she gives him her left arm.
It's done in a cute way, but it's twisted if you actually think about it. >_>



I could only scan so much before my brain exploded, this is only some of my scenes I've done. I did the scenes where she first gets the puppy, I also re-did the "turnaround" scene, but I still need to fix that up, and I added more of an ending to my previous post's link, but it's not really anything to re-watch.

Below is just the first scene of my film so far. @_@

*lol deleted it*


ACM 320: Finishing up a scene

I finally got one scene done, I think. I pretty much fixed what she said to do, the fading transitions to white, characters over background thing, and then I finally added the ending part of the walk scene close-up.
So much more to do. @__@


Kawaii Kon

Kawaii Kon was alright, even though I only went at night on Friday, so no one saw my Kagamiku costume that took forever to fix with airbrushing LOL. I used leftover Sculpey to make the guard part of the sword, and wrapping the handle was quite fun. Too bad the guard broke into pieces and my helmet got owned and broke too. D;

My Neliel tu Oderschvank from Bleach, and Kagami cosplaying as Hatsune Miku cosplay from the Lucky Star OVA. I had to brush the long pigtails everytime I wasn't in motion.


ACM 320: Inbetweens

It took forever messing with the fading time lapses, so the background wouldn't obstruct the view of the characters. Not so sure how that worked out. =| I still need to animate in-depth Lulu having mental problems walking and Nicole's reaction for the end of the scene.
My Spring Break wasn't as productive as I wanted it to be. I worked on my costumes for Kawaii Kon only 2 or 3 hours out of the whole break. D;
Procrastination ftl!


ACM 320: Layout

The long dreaded walk cycles, lolol.


ACM 320: Maquette fun

I looked forward to making a maquette, 'cause it's just so cool being able to make a little clay model of something. After fighting with the wire for some time, I was pretty much able to make it invisible under the thin layer of clay for some parts, like the arms and legs. D: It's still way beyond smooth, but it's as good as I could make it for now. I'll probably work on the details a bit more later on, but here's just pictures of what I did.

So yeah, on another note, I attempted to dye a wig for Kawaii Kon over the weekend, and pretty much failed. I'm sure no one else had dyed wigs before, since it's a really odd thing to do, but sadly, this was not my first time doing so. I did it last year too and it didn't turn out as great as I wanted. At least it was easier, since the wig was white in the first place, but yeah, don't dye wigs, it's a pain.
Damn sellers online too. After countless times looking online for the right color and styled wig, I found one, but when I got it, it was a color made of fail. I vowed to never dye a wig again after last year, but in the end, I had to. It semi worked, but since the wig wasn't white, the color didn't hold as well. Damn you FW ink method and trying to mix colors to get a specific one. D:
Don't dye wigs, unless the color you want to get is easy to make, and not some impossible-to-mix-color. @__@ Also, it's super hard to keep the nice luster and shine of the wig once it has been dyed so many times, which is why my first wig failed, lolol. D:


ACM 320: Film Animatic - Revised

It's basically the same as my first one, so it's not worth showing. It just has slightly more detailed backgrounds and one dramatic crying scene at the end, no major change. =\
I still need to finish re-working my turnaround; I'm thinking of using that in my animation for the scene where Nicole first gets Lulu.


ACM 320: Turnaroundddd

O_O It turned into some mini animation thing. This is when Nicole first gets Lulu, so this is wayyy before he gets too old to walk. D;
Must build up Lulu's immense amount of adorable lovableness.
They do their own special turnarounds.


ACM 320: Film Animatic

Sooo, the background music is just temporary. It was something I had on my computer I could use for the animatic. I'll get some nice free music later, because my film will just have background music playing throughout it the whole time to make it even more sad. Woo for lame self-made sound effects. D:
It seems my film averages around 1:35.
You may need to increase the volume a bit for the sound effects.


Film Stuff

Whoa, I went crazy trying to think of an idea for days and days. I'm not sure about a lot of the details yet.
Idea is subject to complete change, since I had this other interesting sappy cute idea, but it had no beginning to it. D:

Synopsis: Nicole gets a surprise one day from her parents, a cute puppy, whom she names, Lulu. This begins a beautiful everlasting friendship.

Story with spoilers: Nicole gets a puppy, Lulu, from her parents. They become inseparable. Nicole and Lulu, along with his favorite blanket, will play together, go on walks, etc. After so many years pass by, Nicole slowly starts to realize Lulu's health is diminishing and can hardly walk anymore. One day, her and her mom take Lulu to the vet. As Lulu is lying down on the table, Nicole listens to the vet and her mom converse. Soon after, her mom breaks into tears, and Nicole slowly leaves the room with a blank expression. As she turns to look back, her eyes meet Lulu's trusting eyes, and the door slowly closes. Later, you see her crying while hugging Lulu's favorite blanket.

Film poster; I'll probably make another one later, a happier version.

Random character designs of Nicole and Lulu.


ACM 320: 11 Second Club not-so Entry

You can check Billy's blog for the updated version.