
Kawaii Kon

Kawaii Kon was alright, even though I only went at night on Friday, so no one saw my Kagamiku costume that took forever to fix with airbrushing LOL. I used leftover Sculpey to make the guard part of the sword, and wrapping the handle was quite fun. Too bad the guard broke into pieces and my helmet got owned and broke too. D;

My Neliel tu Oderschvank from Bleach, and Kagami cosplaying as Hatsune Miku cosplay from the Lucky Star OVA. I had to brush the long pigtails everytime I wasn't in motion.


Billy Wan said...

Hey the wigs don't look that bad. Nice costumes. Don't hide your face! XD

Jose Marzan said...

:3 Face lulz

What were you doing that kept you till night to show up on Friday? Fighting with the wig? More people coulda been able to see the hard work you did with it its pimp, and you sprayed the sword too. Hardcore wrapping o.o

Do I spy teal eyebrows?

Brittany Itsuno said...

My friends were tweaking every video game possible in the hotel room until night, that's why we never left.
Yup, LOL teal eyebrows, that was hard to do. @_@ My green eyebrows for Nel kind of failed, so you can't even tell.

Ghost23 said...

I bet you could have snuck out of the hotel room went to the con and gone back and they still be tweaking.

Anonymous said...

WHY DID YOU HIDE YOUR FACE?!?!?!?!?! THAT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! o.O ..... i demand a repost >.> ......